Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

የርሶ ብዕር አስተያየት ተሳትፎ ሕብረተሰባችንን ይጠቅማል ያሉትን አይንፈጉን ገንቢነቱ ቦታ ይኖረዋልና! ማሳሰቢያ፡ ይህ ገጽ የተዘጋጀው የተለያዩ የኅብረተሰባችንን ሀሳብ ለመለዋወጫ እንጂ ለሚሰጡት ማንኛውም አስታየቶች በማንኛውም መንገድ ተጠያቂ አይደለም። ጉግል ድርጅትም ኃላፊነት አይወስድም። ኃላፊነቱ በሙሉ የአስታየት ሰጪው ብቻ ነው።

We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving Day for you and your family.

Fun Thanksgiving Facts:

Did You Know that President Abraham Lincoln declared the final Thursday in November as a national day of thanksgiving?

Did You Know it was the Wampanoag Indians that shared the harvest feast in 1621 with the Plymouth colonists?

Did You Know the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade tradition began in the 1920′s?

Did You Know that there are currently eight different breeds of turkey recognized by the American Poultry Association?

Did You Know that Canada celebrates Thanksgiving on the second Tuesday in October?

Did You Know that the first recognized Thanksgiving in our country’s history with the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians lasted three days?

Did You Know that Thanksgiving feasts used to be called in our nation’s history whenever there was just cause for celebration and thankfulness?

Did You Know that Wampanoag means ‘eastern people’?

Did You Know that according to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest turkey recorded was 86 pounds?

Did You Know that an adult turkey has 3,500 feathers? I am wondering who counted?

Did You Know that a spooked turkey can run at speeds up to 20 miles per hour?

Did You Know that Turkeys have heart attacks? Apparently when the air force was conducting sound barrier tests, nearby turkey’s dropped…cause of death, heart attacks.

Fun Turkey Facts
·  The average weight of a turkey purchased at Thanksgiving is 15 pounds.
·  A 15 pound turkey usually has about 70 percent white meat and 30 percent dark meat.
·  The five most popular ways to serve leftover turkey is as a sandwich, in stew, chili or soup, casseroles and as a burger.
·  Turkey has more protein than chicken or beef.
·  Male turkeys gobble. Hens do not. They make a clucking noise.
·  Commercially raised turkeys cannot fly.
·  A large group of turkeys is called a flock.
·  Turkeys have poor night vision.
·  It takes 75-80 pounds of feed to raise a 30 pound tom turkey.
·  A 16-week-old turkey is called a fryer. A five to seven month old turkey is called a young roaster.

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."
-John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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