Friday, October 8, 2010

አይ ጋሽ (ተኮላ መኮንን) ተኩላው፨፡-

የርሶ ብዕር አስተያየት ተሳትፎ ሕብረተሰባችንን ይጠቅማል ያሉትን አይንፈጉን ገንቢነቱ ቦታ ይኖረዋልና!

ማሳሰቢያ፡ ይህ ገጽ የተዘጋጀው የተለያዩ የኅብረተሰባችንን ሀሳብ ለመለዋወጫ እንጂ ለሚሰጡት ማንኛውም አስታየቶች በማንኛውም መንገድ ተጠያቂ አይደለም። ጉግል ድርጅትም ኃላፊነት አይወስድም። ኃላፊነቱ በሙሉ የአስታየት ሰጪው ብቻ ነው።

አይ ጋሽ (ተኮላ መኮንን) ተኩላው፨፡-

ኽረ የፍርድ ቤት ጉዳይ እንዳለብህ ሳንሰማልህ አመሻሽተህ እንደ ቡችላ የኛን ዱካ ያሸተትህ ይመስል በገጽህ ለጠፍክ። እኛ ንቀን ከዛሬ ነገ የተጠናወተህ ወይ ምሮህ ቢሻልህ ብለን ዝምታን መርጠን ተውንህ፣ አንተ ግን እንደ አምናው እያገረሸብህ ካልገደለ የማይለቅ ልክፍት ፣ ዘመን የማሽረው በሽታ የተጠናወተህ ሆኖ እያሰቃየህ ነው ያለህ። እሱ ምህረቱን ይላክልህ እንጂ ተመክሮ የማይገባህ ከአመት አመት የማትለወጥ ነባራዊ ሁኔታ የማያስተምርህ ያኔ በልጅነትህ የለከፈህ ጋኔል ዛሬም ከመታዘዝ አላሰለስክም። ወይ በዘመኑ ሕክምና ካለህበት ማጥ ለመውጣት ቤተሰብ፣ ጓደኛ ወይንም ዘመድ የጨከነብህ መስለህ ተገኘህ፤ ለሁላችንም ፀፀት እንዳትሆንብን ላንተ ከመፀለይ አልቦዘንምና መልሱን ከመጠበቅም ተስፋችን አይቆምም።

እኛ የጣጣፍነው ሁሉ ላንተ ስድብ ይመስልህ ይሆን? የነባራዊ ነጸብራቅ ውጤት መሆኑንና ያሳለፍነውን አልፈን በወቅቱና በውደፊቱ ሂደቶች እያተኮርን፣ ካለፈውም እየተማርን የምንቀጥል መሆናችንን አእምሮህ ማመዛዘን ካቃተው ከለከፈህ አጋንንት ዕድሜ እኩያ እያስቆጠረ ኖሯል። ስለዚህም ነው ንቀትን ያተረፍህ። እኛን ዋሾ ብትለን ሌላም ጨምርበት ፣ ለራስህ እስካመንክበት በራስህ ላይ ብቻ እንጂ ያወቀብህ ሁሉ ደምድሞ ጨርሳል፤ አሁን አዝነው ላንተ የሚፀልዩልህ ሁሉ እያዘኑብህ እየተውት ይገኛሉ። አይዞህ ባዮችህ እውነቱን እየተረዱ በራቁህ ቁጥርና ወደ እውነተኛው መንገድ በተመለሱ ቁጥር፣ ዛሬ አንተ የረፈደበት ብልጠት ይዘህ ከንስሀ መንገዳቸው ልታደናቅፍ እኛን ለመቀባት የማትሞክረው የቀለም አይነት የለም። ካዋጣህ በርታበት።

በዛሬውም ጥሁፍህ የኮነንካቸውን ባናውቅም ስለስርቆት ብዙ ብለሀል። አትስረቅ የሚለውን የተላለፉ አርገህ ቀብተሀል። እኛም ስርቆትን ሀጢያት ብለን ነው የምንኮንን። ሌላውን ከመኮነናችንና ስለድርጊታቸው ከመጣፋችን በፈት እራሳችንን ንጹህ መሆን ማረጋገጥ ተገቢ ነው። ስርቆት አይነቱ የሚቆጠር ቢሆንም የራስ ያልሆነን በተለያየ መንገድ በግልጽም ሆነ በስውር መያዝ መውሰድ መደበቅ ሆነም ጉዳት ማድረስን የመሳሰሉትን ሲያቅፍ፣ የእግዚሀብሔርንም አስራት አለማግባትም ሆነ የመንግስትን ቀረጥ አለመክፈልንም ይጨምራል። ስለዚህም እንግዲህ አንተስ በቂ ገቢ እየሰራህ በህሰት የመንግሥትን ቀረጥ በሕጉ መሰረት አለመክፈል፣ በሀሰት ገቢ በመንግሥት ድጎማ የቤት ኪራይ ውስጥ ለአመታት መኖር ወይንም የአቶ ፍንክሊን ( የሎ ሻትልን) የሚገባ ገንዘብ ባለመክፈል የተጣለብህን ዕምነት አፍርሰህ ያንተ ያልሆነውን ገንዘብ ወስደህ መባረር ከስርቆት አይቆጠርምን?

አባል ባልሆንክበት አንተና ጓደኛህ፤ መብት ብለህ ቤተ ክርስትያን በሀሰት የከሰስክ ብቻ ሳትሆን ስርዐቱን በሀስት ለመናድ የምትንቀዠቀዥ እራስህን ብትመረምር ፤ መብት የሚባለው ከግዴታ ጋር መሆኑን በዚህ ዕድሜህ እንዴት ይሳትሀል? ሁላችንም ወደ ቤተ ክርስትያን የምንሄደው ለአንድና ለአንድ ምክንያት ብቻ መሆኑን ታውቀዋለህን? ምንም ጭማሪ ወይንም ቅናሽ የለውም። አንድ ሀይማኖት አንድ ዕምነት ብቻ ነው። አንተ ግን ምን ከዚህ እንደለየህ ታውቃለህን? እንግዲህ የተለየህ ከሆንክ የተለየ እየተገበርክ ነውና አንተ ፈጽመህ የተለየህ ትሆናለህ ማለት ነው። በዚህ ደግሞ ካልተስማማህ ልብስ መጣል የቀረህ ከፍተኛ የአእምሮ ችግር አለብህና በመጀመሪያ በዛ መስክ አገልግሎት ወደሚሰጡት የዘመኑ ሕክምና አዋቂዎች፣ ዕጣ አውጥተህ ወደ ጠበል አሊያም እንዲጸለይልህ ወደ ካህናት አባቶች መሄዱን እንመክራለን። መጀመራያ የራስህን ተወጣ።

ስለ ፍርድ ቤቱ ውሎህ አንተ በገጽህ እንደለጠፍከው ሙሉ በሙሉ እንዳልሆን ጥሁፍህ ራሱ ይመሰክራል። ምንም እርቀን ብንኖርም ቅዝምዝም ወደዛ እንዲሉ ቀጥተኛ የሆነ ያልተበርዘ ቢሆን መልካም ነበር።ከሚካኤል ስይፍ እንደደረሰን በጠበቃችሁ የጠየቃችሁት የማስርጃ ይሰጠን ጥያቄን ብቻ የተመለከተ ችሎት ነበር። ዳኛው ግን ጉዳያችሁ ሀሰት መሆኑን የተረዳው ይመስል ያልጠበቃችሁትን የቂጥ ዋንጫ አውልቆ ነበር ያስቀመጣችሁ።
አንደኛ/ አባል አለመሆናችሁን ተረድቶ የማይገባችሁ የመርጃ ጥያቄን ነፈጋችሁ።
ሁለተኛ/ ያልጠበቃችሁትን መራራ ጽዋ ያቀመሳችሁ፤ ጉዳዩን እርሱ ለማየት ያልፈለገውና ክሳችሁ የሕግ ነጥብ የሌለው መሆኑ በመገንዝብ ከመዝጋት ይልቅ በተመሳሳይ ጉዳይ በነ ጥሩአየር ላይ ወደ ፈረደው ዳኛ ይፍረድባችሁ በማለትና ከጉዳይ ጋር ተለምዶ አለው የሚለውን ግምት በማስገባት፣ እንደዚሁም የተከሳሽን ጥያቄ ጨምሮ በማስተናገድ መሆኑን ነው። እናንት ከሳሾች አመዳችሁ ቦኖ ጠበቃችሁም ከውሳኔ በኃላ ስለማስረጃው ጥያቄ ቢማጸንም ዳኛው ጥፋ ከፊቴ በሚል በመዶሻው (ጋበን) ጠረቤዛውን የመታበትና አቅሎ ያስወጣችሁ ስለተባለ ይቺንስ ቅመም ለምን ዘለልክ?  

ጛሽ ተኩላው፡- እስቲ በንጹህ ልቦና በገጽህ የጣፍከውን መልሰህ ለራስህ ደጋግመህ አንበው አሊያም ከየትም ያልወገነ የተረፈ ወዳጅ ካለህ እንዲያስረዳህ ልቦና ይስጥህ። ትላንትም፣ ዛሪም ሆነ ወደፊትም ራስህን መርምር። ከፈጣሪህ ለመታረቅና ቂም በቀል ከመያዝ ተወገድ። በመጀመሪያ ፈሪያ እግዚሀብሔርን እወቅ፣ እሱን ከልብህ ከያዝህና አንተ ማረኝ ብለህ ከልብህ ከጠየክ እርሱ ያበራልሀል፣ ህሊናህንም ከፍቶ ማስተዋልን ይሰጥሀል። እርሱን ከተላበስክ እራስህን መመርመር ያስችልሀል ከዚያም ወደ ምንጩ ይመርሀል።

እርሶስ ስለ ተኩላው ምን ይላሉ?


Anonymous said...

ቺካጎ ዳላስም አሉ?
ቦስተን ወረ ኢሉ?
…. አይ አአ
…. በዓይኔ ቀናውብሽ
ትምህርት ተብሎ
ቁመት ተብሎ፤
ኢትዮጲያዊም ተብሎ በአሜሪካ
.. …. አይ አአ … አይ ኢትዮጵያ ውድ ሀገሬ
በዓይኔ ቀናውብሽ፤ “ስደት ለስም ይመቻልን” … ናቅሽ?


Anonymous said...

በእውነት ለዳላስ ኢኦቲሲ ደራስያን ስለሚያደርጉት አስተዋጽኦና ስለሚያበረክቱት በዲሲፕሊን የታነጸ መልእክት የገጹ አንባብያን በሙሉ ከፍተኛ ምስጋናችንን እናቀርባለን።
እንደኛማ ቢሆን እንዚህን ከይሲ የአርዮስ ልጆች የቤተክርስቲያን ጠላቶች መሀበረ ቁልቋል ወእሾኽ፤መሀበረ ቅዱሳን ወሰይጣን፤ ማህበረ ነጋሽ ወጭራቅ፤ ማህበረ በቀለ ወቀይ ሽብር፤ መሀበረ ተኮላ ወጸሀይጽድቅ ቢጽ ሃሳውያን፤ ወዘተ… እነዚህና መሰሎቻቸው ቤተክርስቲያንን ሲያደሙ የኖሩ ቀንደኛ ጠላቶች በካህናት ስም ሳይቀር ማህበረ ካህናት እያሉ አማኞች ለፍተው ጥረው ግረው ከልጆቻቸው ጉሮሮ ነጥለው ለእግዚአብሔር የሚሰጡትን መባ ሲዘርፉ፤ ሲያዘርፉ ኖረው ያም አልበቃ ብሏቸው መቅደሱን በጋለሞታና በጴንጤ ትዳር አርክሰው አለማዊ ንግዳቸውን ሲሸቅጡበት፤ ቅዱስ ሚካኤል ሺ በክንፉ ሺ በአክናፉ በቃ ብሎ መንገዱን ቢያሳያቸው እምቢኝ፤ አሻፈረኝ በማለት ክስ ሄዱ፤ አሁንም ክስ፤ እንደገናም ክስ፤ ወደፊትም ክስ፤ መመስረታቸውን እየቀጠሉ ይገኛሉ።
ኧረ ለመሆኑ ቦርዱንስ እሺ በክስ ወጥረው አላሰራ ብለው ይሆናል። እኛ አባላቱ ምን ብንሆን ነው? አባል ያልሆኑ አጉራዘለሎች ሲዘረፉን የኖሩት አንሶ አሁን ደግሞ እንዲህ ሲጨማለቁብንና ቤተክርስቲያናችንን ሲያብጡ፤ አመጽ ሲያካሄዱ፤ ሲስድቡን፤ ሲገላምጡን፤ ሲያላግጡብን ምን ይሁን ብለን ነው እጃችንን አጣጥፍን ቦርዱ ይወጣው ብለን ቁጭ ያልነው? አንድ በከፍተኛ ደረጃ ለመረዳት የተሳነን ነገር አለ። ይኸውም፦ ቦርዱን እኮ የመርጥነው እኛ እራሳችን ነን። ከየትም የመጣ የውጭ ኃይል ሳይሆን ከኛ ከራሳችን ውስጥ የተውጣጡ ወንድሞቻችን ናቸው። ትናንትም ዛሬም እኛን ናቸው። ለውጡ አገልግሉን ብለን የፊጥኝ አስረን እወህኒ ካስገባናቸው በኋላ እዳር ቁጭ ብለን ከማየታችን ሌላ፤ ተደራጅተን በመርዳት ፈንታ አለስራችን ገብተን የሚሰድቡአችሁን አትናገሩ፤ ትእግስት አድርጉ፤ ይኽ እኮ ቤተክርስቲያን ነው፤ መቻል አለባችሁ እያልን ስናኮላሻቸው ቆይተናል።
ወንድሞችና እህቶች በእውነት በአንድ አምላክ በእግዚአብሔር የምታምኑና እግዚአብሔርን የምትፈሩ ከሆነ፦
ዛሬ ከሳሽ ሆነው ቤተክርስቲያናችንን የሚያብጡትና ግብረአበሮቻቸው የዚህ ቤተክርስቲያን አባላት አይደሉም። የሚነዱት ግን በጥቂት አባል ነን በሚሉ የግል ጥቅም ያሰከራቸው የክርስትና ህይወትን ጠንቅቀው የማያውቁ ቤተክርስቲያንን በመበጥበጥ፤ በማፍረስ፤ በማዘጋት የተካኑ እኩያን ሲሆን፤ የወያኔ ደሞዝተኞችና ባወጣላቸው 52 ገጽ መመሪያ የሚመሩ አድርባዮችና ሆዳሞች ናቸው። እነዚሁ ወዳጅ መስለው ጠላት ቀደም ሲል ተኩላዎቻቸውንና ውሾቻቸውን አሰማርተው አዛውንትን ሲያዋርዱ፤ መነኮሳትን ሲያቃልሉ፤ የእግዚአብሔርን አገልጋዮች ሲኮንኑ፤ መውጣት መግባታቸውን ሲፈታተኑ ኖሩ። እግዚአብሔርንም ደፈሩ፤ ተፈታተኑትም፤ እግዚአብሔር እነዚህን እኩየ ተውሳካት ሃያ አመት ሙሉ ታገሰ፤ ስለዚህም እግዚአብሔር የለም እስከማለት ደረሱ። ዘንድሮ አኪራቸው ሞላ የእግዚአብሔርንም ኃይል የሚያዩበት ቀን ቀረበ፤ ወዴት ይሽሹ፤ ከሰው ተሸሸገው እስከዛሬ በሕብረት መረባቸውን ዘርግተው የእግዚአብሔርን ቤት ሙልጭ አድርገው ከላይ እስከታች ተሰግስገው ሲመዘብሩና ሲቦጠቡጡ ኖሩ። ከእግዚአብሔር መሸሸግ ያስቡ፤ ይሞክሩ ይሆን? ወይስ አሁንም በያንዳንዳቸው ላይ በየቀኑ የሚደርሰውን መአት እያዩ ልባቸውን አደንድነው አይ እግዚአብሔር የለም፤ የሚደርስብን ያጋጣሚ ጉዳይ ሆኖ ነው እያሉ እራሳቸውን ያታልሉ ይሆን? “ሞኝ በልቡ እግዚአብሔር የለም ይላል። ብልሹዎች ናቸው፤ ተግባራቸውም ጸያፍ ነው፤ በጎ ነገር የሚሰራ አንድም የለም፤ መዝሙር 14፡1”። ሞኝን (ጅልን) በሙቀጫ ብትወቅጠው፤ እንደእህልም በዘነዘና ብታደቀው፤ ጅልነቱን ልታስወግድለት አትችልም፤ ምሳሌ 27፡22።
ታዲያ እኛ ለቤተክርስትያናችን ተቆርቋሪ ከሆን፤ ሃይማነተኛ ከሆን፤ ግዴታችንን የምንወጣ ህጋዊ አባላት ከሆን፤ እንዚህን የቤተክርስትያን ጠላቶች መንቅረን የማናስወጣውና መንገዱን የማናሳያቸው ለምን ይሆን? እስቲ ምክንያቶቹን እንደርድር፦
• የስጋ ዝምድና ስላለን
• የአንድ ቀዬ ስዎች ስለሆን
• የአበልጅ፤ የጋብቻ፤ ወዘተ..ዝምድና ስላለን
• 30 አመት አብረን ስለኖርን
• የጽዋ ማበርተኛ ስለሆን
• አብረን ስለምንሰራ
• የአንድ ፖለቲካ ድርጅት አባል ስልሆን
• ክርስቲያን ስለሆን ምንም ቢያጠፉ መክረን መመለስ እንጂ ማባረር ስለሌለብን
• ወዘተርፈ…
እንዚህንና ሌሎችንም ምክንያቶች በመደርደርና በመስጠት እስካሁን በቤተክርስቲያናችን ውስጥ ተንሰራፍተው እንዲቀመጡና ይህን ሁሉ ኪሳራና አደጋ እንዲያደርሱ ያደረግናቸው እኛው እራሳችን እንደሆን ልንረዳ ይገባናል። ስለዚህ ጥፋቱ የነሱ ሳይሆን የኛ ነው ማለት ነው። እስቲ ከኛ ውስጥ ማንኛችን ነን እቤታችን ያለውን ንብረትና ገንዘባችንን የምናውቀው ሰው ወይም ዘመድ ሲዘርፍ ብናገኘው ግድ የለም ይውሰደው ብለን የምንተወው? ነው ወይስ የእግዚአብሔር ሲሆን ማንም ቢዘርፈው አይቆረቁረንም?
እንደነዚህ ያሉ በኃይማኖት ስም የሚነግዱ አጭበርባሪ ሰዎች በክርስቶስ ዘመንም ነበሩ። ነገር ግን ስሙን ለብሰን ክርስቲያን ተብለን የምንጠራበት ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ እንደኛ ዝም ብሎ አላያቸውም፤ በማቴዎስ ወንጌል 21፡12 እንደሚነግረን “ኢየሱስም ወደ ቤተመቅደስ ገብቶ በቤተመቅደስ ውስጥ ይሸጡና ይገዙ የነበሩትን አባረራቸው፤ የገንዘብ ለዋጮችን ጠረጴዛና የእርግብ ሻጮችን መቀመጫ በመገለባበጥ፤ ቤቴ የጸሎት ቤት ይባላል ተብሎ ተጽፏል እናንተ ግን የዘራፊዎች ዋሻ አደረጋችሁት አላቸው።” እንግዲያማ ቤተክርስቲያን በከፍተኛ ደረጃ የዘራፊዎች ዋሻ የሆነችው ከመቼውም ጊዜ በበለጠ ዛሬ ነው። የኛ ዘራፊዎች ደግሞ ዝርፊያውን ለምን አልቀጠልንም፤ ለምንስ ታስቆሙናላችሁ በማለት ጭራሽ ቤተክርስቲያኑ፤ ገንዘቡና ንብረቱ ለኛ ይገባናል፤ የቤተክርስቲያኒቱ ህግና ደንብ መሻር አለበት፤ እኛ ገብተን ህጋዊ አባላቱ መውጣት አለባቸው እያሉ በአለማዊ ፍርድ ቤት የሚካኤልን ቤተክርስቲያን በመክሰስ ከፍተኛ ኪሳራ እያደረሱ ይገኛሉ። ለተመልካችም ሆነ ለሰሚው ግራ ያጋባው ነገር እነዚህ እልም ብለው የጠፉት የዲያብሎስ ልጆች የሚያደርጉት ኢክርስቲያናዊ ተግባር ሳይሆን የቤተክርስቲያን ተቆርቋሪ በመምሰል አባላቱን የሚያወናብዱትና ቤተክርስቲያን አትሸጥም አትለወጥም ብለው ከሞቱትና ከሸፈቱት የተረፉትን ጥቂት የቦርድ አባላት ለማውረድ፤ በመሃላቸው ጠብና ልዩነትን ለመፍጠር ሌት ተቀን የሚደክሙት የእፉኝት ልጆች ናቸው። ካህናት ቢያስተምሩ፤ መነኩሴ ቢገዝቱ፤ ቢማጸኑ፤ ቢለምኑ ለነሱ ምናቸው ነው። እነዚህ የስም ክርስቲያኖች ቤተክርስቲያኗን ባደባባይ በይፋ ከሚወጓት ከሳሾችና ደጋፊዎቻቸው የበለጠ ጥፋት እያደርሱባት ይገኛሉ።
ታዲያ በእውነት ስለእውነት ስንል ከቤተክርስቲያንና ከእግዚአብሔር ጋር የቆምን እነማን ነን? እስቲ ሁሉን መርምሮና አብጥሮ ከሚያውቅ፤ ሁሉን ማድረግ ከሚችል ከፈጣሪያችን ከእግዚአብሔር ጋር ከልብ እንነጋገር። ከተነጋገርን በኋላ እውነቱ ከተገለጸልንና በእውነት ለቤተክርስቲያን ከቆምን በጣት ከሚቆጠሩት ቤተክርስቲያን አትሸጥም አትለወጥም ብለው ህይወታቸውን መስዋእት በማድረግ ከሚታገሉት ጎን ቆመን እነዚህን የቤተክርስቲያን ነቀርሳዎች ከነሰንኮፋቸው (ጠላት፤ ደጋፊ፤ አወናባጅ) ነቅለን እንጣል። ለቤተክርስቲያን በምናመጣው ሰላምና ፍቅር ዋጋችን በእግዚአብሔር ዘንድ ከፍተኛ ነውና። ማቴዎስ 10፡16-42።

Anonymous said...

በእውነት ለዳላስ ኢኦቲሲ ደራስያን ስለሚያደርጉት አስተዋጽኦና ስለሚያበረክቱት በዲሲፕሊን የታነጸ መልእክት የገጹ አንባብያን በሙሉ ከፍተኛ ምስጋናችንን እናቀርባለን።
እንደኛማ ቢሆን እንዚህን ከይሲ የአርዮስ ልጆች የቤተክርስቲያን ጠላቶች መሀበረ ቁልቋል ወእሾኽ፤መሀበረ ቅዱሳን ወሰይጣን፤ ማህበረ ነጋሽ ወጭራቅ፤ ማህበረ በቀለ ወቀይ ሽብር፤ መሀበረ ተኮላ ወጸሀይጽድቅ ቢጽ ሃሳውያን፤ ወዘተ… እነዚህና መሰሎቻቸው ቤተክርስቲያንን ሲያደሙ የኖሩ ቀንደኛ ጠላቶች በካህናት ስም ሳይቀር ማህበረ ካህናት እያሉ አማኞች ለፍተው ጥረው ግረው ከልጆቻቸው ጉሮሮ ነጥለው ለእግዚአብሔር የሚሰጡትን መባ ሲዘርፉ፤ ሲያዘርፉ ኖረው ያም አልበቃ ብሏቸው መቅደሱን በጋለሞታና በጴንጤ ትዳር አርክሰው አለማዊ ንግዳቸውን ሲሸቅጡበት፤ ቅዱስ ሚካኤል ሺ በክንፉ ሺ በአክናፉ በቃ ብሎ መንገዱን ቢያሳያቸው እምቢኝ፤ አሻፈረኝ በማለት ክስ ሄዱ፤ አሁንም ክስ፤ እንደገናም ክስ፤ ወደፊትም ክስ፤ መመስረታቸውን እየቀጠሉ ይገኛሉ።
ኧረ ለመሆኑ ቦርዱንስ እሺ በክስ ወጥረው አላሰራ ብለው ይሆናል። እኛ አባላቱ ምን ብንሆን ነው? አባል ያልሆኑ አጉራዘለሎች ሲዘረፉን የኖሩት አንሶ አሁን ደግሞ እንዲህ ሲጨማለቁብንና ቤተክርስቲያናችንን ሲያብጡ፤ አመጽ ሲያካሄዱ፤ ሲስድቡን፤ ሲገላምጡን፤ ሲያላግጡብን ምን ይሁን ብለን ነው እጃችንን አጣጥፍን ቦርዱ ይወጣው ብለን ቁጭ ያልነው? አንድ በከፍተኛ ደረጃ ለመረዳት የተሳነን ነገር አለ። ይኸውም፦ ቦርዱን እኮ የመርጥነው እኛ እራሳችን ነን። ከየትም የመጣ የውጭ ኃይል ሳይሆን ከኛ ከራሳችን ውስጥ የተውጣጡ ወንድሞቻችን ናቸው። ትናንትም ዛሬም እኛን ናቸው። ለውጡ አገልግሉን ብለን የፊጥኝ አስረን እወህኒ ካስገባናቸው በኋላ እዳር ቁጭ ብለን ከማየታችን ሌላ፤ ተደራጅተን በመርዳት ፈንታ አለስራችን ገብተን የሚሰድቡአችሁን አትናገሩ፤ ትእግስት አድርጉ፤ ይኽ እኮ ቤተክርስቲያን ነው፤ መቻል አለባችሁ እያልን ስናኮላሻቸው ቆይተናል።
ወንድሞችና እህቶች በእውነት በአንድ አምላክ በእግዚአብሔር የምታምኑና እግዚአብሔርን የምትፈሩ ከሆነ፦
ዛሬ ከሳሽ ሆነው ቤተክርስቲያናችንን የሚያብጡትና ግብረአበሮቻቸው የዚህ ቤተክርስቲያን አባላት አይደሉም። የሚነዱት ግን በጥቂት አባል ነን በሚሉ የግል ጥቅም ያሰከራቸው የክርስትና ህይወትን ጠንቅቀው የማያውቁ ቤተክርስቲያንን በመበጥበጥ፤ በማፍረስ፤ በማዘጋት የተካኑ እኩያን ሲሆን፤ የወያኔ ደሞዝተኞችና ባወጣላቸው 52 ገጽ መመሪያ የሚመሩ አድርባዮችና ሆዳሞች ናቸው። እነዚሁ ወዳጅ መስለው ጠላት ቀደም ሲል ተኩላዎቻቸውንና ውሾቻቸውን አሰማርተው አዛውንትን ሲያዋርዱ፤ መነኮሳትን ሲያቃልሉ፤ የእግዚአብሔርን አገልጋዮች ሲኮንኑ፤ መውጣት መግባታቸውን ሲፈታተኑ ኖሩ። እግዚአብሔርንም ደፈሩ፤ ተፈታተኑትም፤ እግዚአብሔር እነዚህን እኩየ ተውሳካት ሃያ አመት ሙሉ ታገሰ፤ ስለዚህም እግዚአብሔር የለም እስከማለት ደረሱ። ዘንድሮ አኪራቸው ሞላ የእግዚአብሔርንም ኃይል የሚያዩበት ቀን ቀረበ፤ ወዴት ይሽሹ፤ ከሰው ተሸሸገው እስከዛሬ በሕብረት መረባቸውን ዘርግተው የእግዚአብሔርን ቤት ሙልጭ አድርገው ከላይ እስከታች ተሰግስገው ሲመዘብሩና ሲቦጠቡጡ ኖሩ። ከእግዚአብሔር መሸሸግ ያስቡ፤ ይሞክሩ ይሆን? ወይስ አሁንም በያንዳንዳቸው ላይ በየቀኑ የሚደርሰውን መአት እያዩ ልባቸውን አደንድነው አይ እግዚአብሔር የለም፤ የሚደርስብን ያጋጣሚ ጉዳይ ሆኖ ነው እያሉ እራሳቸውን ያታልሉ ይሆን? “ሞኝ በልቡ እግዚአብሔር የለም ይላል። ብልሹዎች ናቸው፤ ተግባራቸውም ጸያፍ ነው፤ በጎ ነገር የሚሰራ አንድም የለም፤ መዝሙር 14፡1”። ሞኝን (ጅልን) በሙቀጫ ብትወቅጠው፤ እንደእህልም በዘነዘና ብታደቀው፤ ጅልነቱን ልታስወግድለት አትችልም፤ ምሳሌ 27፡22።
ታዲያ እኛ ለቤተክርስትያናችን ተቆርቋሪ ከሆን፤ ሃይማነተኛ ከሆን፤ ግዴታችንን የምንወጣ ህጋዊ አባላት ከሆን፤ እንዚህን የቤተክርስትያን ጠላቶች መንቅረን የማናስወጣውና መንገዱን የማናሳያቸው ለምን ይሆን? እስቲ ምክንያቶቹን እንደርድር፦
• የስጋ ዝምድና ስላለን
• የአንድ ቀዬ ስዎች ስለሆን
• የአበልጅ፤ የጋብቻ፤ ወዘተ..ዝምድና ስላለን
• 30 አመት አብረን ስለኖርን
• የጽዋ ማበርተኛ ስለሆን
• አብረን ስለምንሰራ
• የአንድ ፖለቲካ ድርጅት አባል ስልሆን
• ክርስቲያን ስለሆን ምንም ቢያጠፉ መክረን መመለስ እንጂ ማባረር ስለሌለብን
• ወዘተርፈ…
እንዚህንና ሌሎችንም ምክንያቶች በመደርደርና በመስጠት እስካሁን በቤተክርስቲያናችን ውስጥ ተንሰራፍተው እንዲቀመጡና ይህን ሁሉ ኪሳራና አደጋ እንዲያደርሱ ያደረግናቸው እኛው እራሳችን እንደሆን ልንረዳ ይገባናል። ስለዚህ ጥፋቱ የነሱ ሳይሆን የኛ ነው ማለት ነው። እስቲ ከኛ ውስጥ ማንኛችን ነን እቤታችን ያለውን ንብረትና ገንዘባችንን የምናውቀው ሰው ወይም ዘመድ ሲዘርፍ ብናገኘው ግድ የለም ይውሰደው ብለን የምንተወው? ነው ወይስ የእግዚአብሔር ሲሆን ማንም ቢዘርፈው አይቆረቁረንም?
እንደነዚህ ያሉ በኃይማኖት ስም የሚነግዱ አጭበርባሪ ሰዎች በክርስቶስ ዘመንም ነበሩ። ነገር ግን ስሙን ለብሰን ክርስቲያን ተብለን የምንጠራበት ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ እንደኛ ዝም ብሎ አላያቸውም፤ በማቴዎስ ወንጌል 21፡12 እንደሚነግረን “ኢየሱስም ወደ ቤተመቅደስ ገብቶ በቤተመቅደስ ውስጥ ይሸጡና ይገዙ የነበሩትን አባረራቸው፤ የገንዘብ ለዋጮችን ጠረጴዛና የእርግብ ሻጮችን መቀመጫ በመገለባበጥ፤ ቤቴ የጸሎት ቤት ይባላል ተብሎ ተጽፏል እናንተ ግን የዘራፊዎች ዋሻ አደረጋችሁት አላቸው።” እንግዲያማ ቤተክርስቲያን በከፍተኛ ደረጃ የዘራፊዎች ዋሻ የሆነችው ከመቼውም ጊዜ በበለጠ ዛሬ ነው። የኛ ዘራፊዎች ደግሞ ዝርፊያውን ለምን አልቀጠልንም፤ ለምንስ ታስቆሙናላችሁ በማለት ጭራሽ ቤተክርስቲያኑ፤ ገንዘቡና ንብረቱ ለኛ ይገባናል፤ የቤተክርስቲያኒቱ ህግና ደንብ መሻር አለበት፤ እኛ ገብተን ህጋዊ አባላቱ መውጣት አለባቸው እያሉ በአለማዊ ፍርድ ቤት የሚካኤልን ቤተክርስቲያን በመክሰስ ከፍተኛ ኪሳራ እያደረሱ ይገኛሉ። ለተመልካችም ሆነ ለሰሚው ግራ ያጋባው ነገር እነዚህ እልም ብለው የጠፉት የዲያብሎስ ልጆች የሚያደርጉት ኢክርስቲያናዊ ተግባር ሳይሆን የቤተክርስቲያን ተቆርቋሪ በመምሰል አባላቱን የሚያወናብዱትና ቤተክርስቲያን አትሸጥም አትለወጥም ብለው ከሞቱትና ከሸፈቱት የተረፉትን ጥቂት የቦርድ አባላት ለማውረድ፤ በመሃላቸው ጠብና ልዩነትን ለመፍጠር ሌት ተቀን የሚደክሙት የእፉኝት ልጆች ናቸው። ካህናት ቢያስተምሩ፤ መነኩሴ ቢገዝቱ፤ ቢማጸኑ፤ ቢለምኑ ለነሱ ምናቸው ነው። እነዚህ የስም ክርስቲያኖች ቤተክርስቲያኗን ባደባባይ በይፋ ከሚወጓት ከሳሾችና ደጋፊዎቻቸው የበለጠ ጥፋት እያደርሱባት ይገኛሉ።
ታዲያ በእውነት ስለእውነት ስንል ከቤተክርስቲያንና ከእግዚአብሔር ጋር የቆምን እነማን ነን? እስቲ ሁሉን መርምሮና አብጥሮ ከሚያውቅ፤ ሁሉን ማድረግ ከሚችል ከፈጣሪያችን ከእግዚአብሔር ጋር ከልብ እንነጋገር። ከተነጋገርን በኋላ እውነቱ ከተገለጸልንና በእውነት ለቤተክርስቲያን ከቆምን በጣት ከሚቆጠሩት ቤተክርስቲያን አትሸጥም አትለወጥም ብለው ህይወታቸውን መስዋእት በማድረግ ከሚታገሉት ጎን ቆመን እነዚህን የቤተክርስቲያን ነቀርሳዎች ከነሰንኮፋቸው (ጠላት፤ ደጋፊ፤ አወናባጅ) ነቅለን እንጣል። ለቤተክርስቲያን በምናመጣው ሰላምና ፍቅር ዋጋችን በእግዚአብሔር ዘንድ ከፍተኛ ነውና። ማቴዎስ 10፡16-42።

Anonymous said...

What in God's name is going on in this Church?
If an inefficient board or an impotent and disgraceful membership cannot throw out these rascals that are trying to steal somebody else’s church, then you all might need to sell the church and get over it. Every Orthodox Christian around the world is sick and tired of reading all the filth written about our faith and our beloved church, watching a sorry video that disgraces our church and faith, listening to the thrash talk the idiots that call themselves association of the holy or the saints and their moronic and idiotic supporters that are ignorant about the Christian faith and arrogant and proud of their empty heads who never listen to anybody’s opinion but their own. All of the Churches that had similar problems took care of their problems one way or the other. You all need to learn from them and deject those criminals out of your church. Nobody is going to come and do it for you, you have to swallow the bitter pill and do it yourselves. America is a country of laws and justice, take these criminals to court and bankrupt them, if they do not have the means they should languish in jail. We know that they will rot in hell for suing their Christian brothers and sisters and the church and blaspheming the Holy Spirit (the unforgiveable sin!!).
Because of the prayer request pledged by members of the Dallas St. Michael Orthodox Church on the internet more than two years ago, starting with the troubles of mahibere kidusan; all of us that got the request fervently prayed for change and relief. We have heard that there have some minor positive changes made, but it seems your problems never cease. So our future prayers should not be for peace or love, it should be for God’s wrath and to bring unspeakable plagues to consume these children of Satan that are driven to destroy the church and give our Orthodox faith a bad name.

Anonymous said...

I might be wrong, but I suspect Anonymous is a naki-naka (prot) member either by blood or by relative. The reason I said that most the time the prots' are the 'deep in' people, but they all r outsiders. so, let's open our eye. we all don't have any hate to anybody except the evil and it's sprit.

Anonymous said...

Mesfin says:
Does anybody know what is happening at the St. Michael Church in Dallas Texas. We hear a lot of rumors about, the church taken by Mahibere Kidusan & Woyane. The Board has delivered the church to the two mafia group. The church several years ago had more than a million dollars in the Bank, has all the money been stolen by hodamoch? how about Abune kostos and Abune Gebremedin, when are they going to take over the church. We hear a few people are sacrficing their work and family to stop these robers, is this true. All Orthodox Christians need to pray for this church so God will spare it from the evil ones. We also need to do whatever we can to help the christians there to rescue God’s house from the devil and his followers.
Anyone please give us any information. Dallas St. Michael Church is one of the oldest diaspora church. God bless those that stand for their faith and God damn those that stand against the Church and christians.
July 8th, 2008 at 12:52 AM

Mesfin says:
Information is power! When someone with information lets us in on a little secret as the “DIABLOS” himself is showing up amongst the Diaspora he vowed to destroy, we all need to spring into action and let him know who he realy is. He also needs to be reminded that this is the America that he left a few years ago where there is law and justice just incase the golden throne he sits on and the glot he has gotten used rusted his mind. A politician has no business being the leader of a religion. Religion is supposed to teach God’s truth while politics teaches lies to grab power and keep it at any cost. He is in the wrong business, because he is a politician playing the role of a priest. Abba Gebremedhin rose to the throne from the ashes and he will go back to it with his bucheloch (Maque). His master plan to destroy the Churches in the Diaspora has fallen apart, granted he has managed to steal some Churches and their savings through his agents of destruction, mahibere saitan. Some of you have expressed your frustration about his being a criminal and the FBI arreting him upon arrival. For this to happen, you have to produce some evidence of his crimes and he has to be a citizen of the U.S. unless he has committed a crime againest United States. There are some rumors that he is making a special trip in order to take over the Dallas St. Michael Church. Rumors have their own way of growing into reality. Therefore, if that is his plan someone need to worn him about Dalls, it is not the same Church he left several years ago. His bandits have raided the Church and have stirred a lot of trouble for him, therefore his appearance anywhere in Texas is gonna earn him a lot of grief and embarassment. Therefore he needs to stay away from Texas, lest he is ready for tomatoes and eggs.
God Bless America.
November 22nd, 2008 at 2:25 AM

Anonymous said...

Mesfin says:
This is an amazing document that has been hidden for quite a while. For all of you! Ethiopians?? NOTICE, I said Ethiopians, if woyane and its bucheloch, attack dogs could organize in order to attack the Diaspora that is against them what is to stop the Diaspora to do a counter intelligence and take action. Let every ETHIOPIAN know who they are by name, where they live etc. and send them back to where and whence they came from. We the Diaspora felt we owed every supposed Ethiopian (woyane) an opportunity to the lives we lived, welcomed them to our Churches, homes, businesses, etc. We found out that we have been had, our Churches are in turmoil or taken away from us, our businesses closed or taken over, some of us have been beaten up, isolated, our name trashed, our elders denigrated. What more could they do to us? This people were working against us by the book that you are reading, thanks to Ethiopian Review. If they are reporting our activities, and our daily life history to Woyane everyday so Woyane could squeeze on anyone living in Ethiopia that is related to us; not only that if they are working their utmost best to destroy us by infiltrating our churches, communities, associations, edirs, etc. What are we waiting for? What is it they could do that will pull us out from this long drawn out sleep state we are in? Woyane has defeated us in our own country because there is neither law nor justice. But in countries where there is law and justice why are we letting all these gangsters, murderers, and looters that had ravaged our country and followed us here where they printed to be religious saints. In case we have amnesia some of these same groups are the ones that are telling us that they are the saints and we are the menafequan. Look these so called saints are devil worshipers. Remember Satan was once an angel, he was thrown out of heaven because he wanted to be god. Jesus came for sinners not for saints, read your Bibles; no one is a saint everyone sinned. Therefore, we need to be careful when we call these people saints, if their saint ship allows them to destroy Churches that Jesus died for, rob the communities and businesses, report to an evil government of woyane on innocent people and destroy their lives, where are we standing in God’s Church or Satan’s church. Friends, some of us have lived in this country most of our adult lives and made our selves accustomed to the American way of life and are comfortable where we are. Others of us have lived in different parts of the western world and have changed our way of life. But for those of us that are born in Ethiopia, the feeling of country is burning in our soul and we cannot let some inept, brainwashed, egotistic gangsters mess with our freedom and our lives let alone our beloved country. Let us be wise about this, let us use their own medicine on them, and let us REALY find out who these thugs are, and let us make them famous by letting them enjoy the notoriety of floating the bowels of the web. Let them have no place to hide, if need be let us make them models by posting their ugliness. LET THE UNVERSE KNOW WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE, IF THEY ARE PEOPLE.
January 8th, 2009 at 3:51 PM

Anonymous said...

Bekelech says:
Amazing is the word. Elias you did it this time. You hit the jackpot! This is the mother of all EVIL DOCUMENTS. I agree with Assefa (9) and Mesfin (12) on their analysis of the document and how naïve we were. Mesfin said it best when he said, we have been had! We really have been taken for a full and we were robbed of our freedom, time, money, business, and our Churches. We were in the dark for so long and were terrorized by thugs that were applying woyane commandments chapter and verse to the letter. Since we did not know this document existed we fell prey to the hired gangsters of woyane. Now thanks to Ethiopian Review this sinister document came to light. I would not be surprised if woyane used every trick in the book to get this document off the web. Therefore everyone needs to print a copy for themselves and their friends, send emails with attachments or links to this site so that every Ethiopian (I did not say ketregna or hodam) will have an access and find out what the so called democratic government is doing to destroy the lives of the Diaspora and their families in Ethiopia. A copy of an English version of this document is also warranted. As Assefa tried to give us a brief overview, each of us should take a chapter or a page and give a rundown of what it says and pretty soon we will have the whole 52 pages translated. It is disturbing to think that a government that claims to be democratic could draft such a hideous and terrifying document to uproot and destroy the lives of innocent people both in the country and abroad to satisfy its own greed and power. It is even worse to think some of our own friends and family could be bought and sold by woyane to sell us out and destroy us while they live amongst us, worship with us, wine and dine, come to our mahibers, edirs, weddings etc. They are leading us to our demise as sheep to the slaughter. This is where I agree with Mesfin we really, really need to find out and expose these traitors and their evil deeds to the world. Thanks to the information age we can make them the poster child of the Internet. Yes we can! Now here is a good example of the expression, information is power! Yes it is!
January 11th, 2009 at 10:27 AM

Anonymous said...

Wolde Giorgis says:
I am equally amazed about this document seeing to what depth Woyane will sink to divide every Ethiopian on the planet. Today however, I agree with Bertru that nothing including this document can save Woyane from its eventual demise which I believe will be sooner than we think.
I am also amazed about the participant’s clarity and eloquence that have beautifully chronicled to where we are in the struggle. The Diaspora needs to do the following:
-Speak in one voice and stop tearing down each other.
-Stop investing money in Woyane’s kingdom.
-Expose all Woyane’s supporters inside and outside the churches.
-Continue to bring out to light such classified materials.
For Bekelche’s Prayer request, I like to recite the following:
Oh Lord who are in haven, bless us with the grace of our father and forgive our sins with your Merci. We indeed have trespassed you and never sought your forgiveness. Ethiopia raises her hands to you once more to bring freedom and unity through you. Lead us to the passage of wisdom seeking your will in finding the right leader to unite us.
Forsake us not especially at your holy place where we worship you, protect our church from the wolves that will do harm to your flocks. We ask you all this not in our name but in the name of St Mary who is in thy kingdom. Amen.
January 18th, 2009 at 12:15 AM

Bekelech says:
Thank you (19) Wolde Giorgis, that was a beautiful recitation of a prayer. The Bible tells us that God has told us to ask and it shall be given to us. That is exactly what we are doing. I have realized how many times I and others have tried to come to this link and were not able to. A lot of the people I had contacted to check this link have told me they have tried several times and could not get to it. Someone toward the beginning had mentioned that woyane will somehow try to get this document blocked so that no Ethiopian would know about their evil plan of destroying the Ethiopian Diaspora. Well, they tried. They don’t know that the Internet is beyond their control. This gave the other Ethiopian websites the wake up call, some of them are starting to have a means of getting the document to the reader by creating links, downloads, etc. Check them out. Woyane and its machinery is on the way out. Everyone of us need to pray for a better government to replace the evil ones without confusion and bloodshed. Pray for the curse to be lifted from our country which was put by the saints that have given their undying love and precious lives to their country. “Ethiopia hagere mogn nesh telala, yemotelesh kerto yegedelesh bela”, is the reality. When Derg was in power everyone believed nothing worse than derg could come. But look at what we got. There is no limit to evilness Mengistu slaughtered our youngs, woyane does not choose, it is cleanhouse, mope up, kill them all!!! The day has drawn nearer. Merciful God save our beloved country!
January 23rd, 2009 at 5:18 AM

Anonymous said...

Abebech says:
When you read the classified document woyane put into effect to disband and dismantle the diaspora and then read srorys of mass graves found in prisons containing fresh corpses and old skeletons. How do you feel about your security wherever you are, you will understand what I am talking about even if you have read half of the document. Woyane has organized its goons and launched them everywhere with instructions to take actions as necessary. Be on the look out. As someone metioned it does not hurt to realize how sinister their evil plan of action is and register each one of them and post them on the web for the Universe to acknowledge them and prosecute each one of them for war crimes and butchering a whole generation of their own countrymen. People!! wake up and smell the cofee. Mengistu’s cronies and butchers are living in peace amongst us after butchering hundreds of thousands of innocent ethiopians. Why not Woynes’? Who is to say Meles would not move into his newly found wealth and mansion in Washington, D.C. Do we have the Hamot to say or do anything? It reamins to be seen. Let us hold Melese’s feet to the fire about this new information of dead bodies that were found in prison. Thanks to Mr. Elias, we at least get a whiff of what is taking place in the woyane world just as soon as he gets it.
January 28th, 2009 at 6:05 AM

Anonymous said...

Tarik says:
Thanks for pointing out the evil that has come to St. Michael’s church in Dallas and God’s victory. Those who are Mehabere Kidusan should know that God knows all and sees all and his justice is swift. Mehabere Kidusan may have deceived the loving and kind people of Dallas for years but the truth has finally come out. Mehabere Kidusan will not be allowed to take over a church that servs God. Ethiopian politics has no place in the US and more importantly, St. Michael’s church will never fall under the evil hands of the imposter patriarc wanabe Paulos and his seytans MK, woyane etc.
Why are MK so interested in taking over St. Michael?
Why do MK only successfully recruit widows, single women and those with less than a high school degree. And why does it seem like all the members of MK and their supporters are the known rejects of the Dallas Ethiopian community and/or the greedy, and selfish abesha?
Why is it every member of MK in Dallas is known in the community as being evil, mean, liers, thiefs and prostitutes?
May God watch over St. Michael’s Church and its people.
February 10th, 2009 at 3:57 AM
Bekelech says:
Wow! !Tarik thank you for the brilliant comment.
I thought I was by myself, except for Mesfin nobody even comments about these nasty evil doers. I cannot for the life of me understand how such evil people exist in a place of worship where the name of God is called and the Spirit of God is residing. It sends chills in my spine when those handful prostitutes go around insulting respected elderly people in the Dejeselam while the priests and the so-called board members are sitting around listening and turn their faces away as if they did not hear the insults.
Forgive me for saying this but, I truly feel that this is a Church completely overrun by the devil and his followers. I sometimes wander if God’s Spirit had left and the evil spirits had taken over. The good people are shunned and some had left the Church they established. Some of them come on and off and some of the ones that stayed are the ones taking all the insults as complements. What a travesty, what a shame, what happened to all the good people that we use to know ten fifteen years ago that were happy to see any stranger, invite him to their homes, feed him and visit with him like they know him for years. Whatever happened to those nice and kind people?
A while back on this same website on another topic concerning MK and Dallas St. Michael, I asked, what happened to the people that established the Church? Why would they let MK take over their Church? And someone answered “they are the ones that turned to be sympathizers and supporters of MK, they eat with them, sleep with them and steal with them.” This person also quoted that one of the well known famous and respected elder was chairing one general meeting where there were about 200 people and he literally worshiped the MK Texas leader a little thief, by saying “you are amazing, there is nothing you cannot do (omnipotent).”
No wander MK robbed that Church blind, anytime somebody new comes asking questions, they attack with full force and eject those people out of that Church by mentally torturing them. Now a few lost souls led by some doctor, MK already labeled as menafik protestant are trying in vain to make some sense out of the madness. Any Orthodox Christian or anybody for that matter, I don’t care who, please pray to God Almighty to get rid of all of the evil people out of this Church so that the good people that come to pray and leave from the outside come in. Let God help them come inside and stay so that they could change this Church into God’s House of Worship and drive the demons and their converts out. Oh, God Almighty hear our prayers, drive the devil and his worshipers out of St. Michael Church of Dallas. Amen
February 21st, 2009 at 5:24 AM

Anonymous said...

Tarik says:
Thanks for pointing out the evil that has come to St. Michael’s church in Dallas and God’s victory. Those who are Mehabere Kidusan should know that God knows all and sees all and his justice is swift. Mehabere Kidusan may have deceived the loving and kind people of Dallas for years but the truth has finally come out. Mehabere Kidusan will not be allowed to take over a church that servs God. Ethiopian politics has no place in the US and more importantly, St. Michael’s church will never fall under the evil hands of the imposter patriarc wanabe Paulos and his seytans MK, woyane etc.
Why are MK so interested in taking over St. Michael?
Why do MK only successfully recruit widows, single women and those with less than a high school degree. And why does it seem like all the members of MK and their supporters are the known rejects of the Dallas Ethiopian community and/or the greedy, and selfish abesha?
Why is it every member of MK in Dallas is known in the community as being evil, mean, liers, thiefs and prostitutes?
May God watch over St. Michael’s Church and its people.
February 10th, 2009 at 3:57 AM
Bekelech says:
Wow! !Tarik thank you for the brilliant comment.
I thought I was by myself, except for Mesfin nobody even comments about these nasty evil doers. I cannot for the life of me understand how such evil people exist in a place of worship where the name of God is called and the Spirit of God is residing. It sends chills in my spine when those handful prostitutes go around insulting respected elderly people in the Dejeselam while the priests and the so-called board members are sitting around listening and turn their faces away as if they did not hear the insults.
Forgive me for saying this but, I truly feel that this is a Church completely overrun by the devil and his followers. I sometimes wander if God’s Spirit had left and the evil spirits had taken over. The good people are shunned and some had left the Church they established. Some of them come on and off and some of the ones that stayed are the ones taking all the insults as complements. What a travesty, what a shame, what happened to all the good people that we use to know ten fifteen years ago that were happy to see any stranger, invite him to their homes, feed him and visit with him like they know him for years. Whatever happened to those nice and kind people?
A while back on this same website on another topic concerning MK and Dallas St. Michael, I asked, what happened to the people that established the Church? Why would they let MK take over their Church? And someone answered “they are the ones that turned to be sympathizers and supporters of MK, they eat with them, sleep with them and steal with them.” This person also quoted that one of the well known famous and respected elder was chairing one general meeting where there were about 200 people and he literally worshiped the MK Texas leader a little thief, by saying “you are amazing, there is nothing you cannot do (omnipotent).”
No wander MK robbed that Church blind, anytime somebody new comes asking questions, they attack with full force and eject those people out of that Church by mentally torturing them. Now a few lost souls led by some doctor, MK already labeled as menafik protestant are trying in vain to make some sense out of the madness. Any Orthodox Christian or anybody for that matter, I don’t care who, please pray to God Almighty to get rid of all of the evil people out of this Church so that the good people that come to pray and leave from the outside come in. Let God help them come inside and stay so that they could change this Church into God’s House of Worship and drive the demons and their converts out. Oh, God Almighty hear our prayers, drive the devil and his worshipers out of St. Michael Church of Dallas. Amen
February 21st, 2009 at 5:24 AM

Anonymous said...

Tarik says:
Thanks for pointing out the evil that has come to St. Michael’s church in Dallas and God’s victory. Those who are Mehabere Kidusan should know that God knows all and sees all and his justice is swift. Mehabere Kidusan may have deceived the loving and kind people of Dallas for years but the truth has finally come out. Mehabere Kidusan will not be allowed to take over a church that servs God. Ethiopian politics has no place in the US and more importantly, St. Michael’s church will never fall under the evil hands of the imposter patriarc wanabe Paulos and his seytans MK, woyane etc.
Why are MK so interested in taking over St. Michael?
Why do MK only successfully recruit widows, single women and those with less than a high school degree. And why does it seem like all the members of MK and their supporters are the known rejects of the Dallas Ethiopian community and/or the greedy, and selfish abesha?
Why is it every member of MK in Dallas is known in the community as being evil, mean, liers, thiefs and prostitutes?
May God watch over St. Michael’s Church and its people.
February 10th, 2009 at 3:57 AM
Bekelech says:
Wow! !Tarik thank you for the brilliant comment.
I thought I was by myself, except for Mesfin nobody even comments about these nasty evil doers. I cannot for the life of me understand how such evil people exist in a place of worship where the name of God is called and the Spirit of God is residing. It sends chills in my spine when those handful prostitutes go around insulting respected elderly people in the Dejeselam while the priests and the so-called board members are sitting around listening and turn their faces away as if they did not hear the insults.
Forgive me for saying this but, I truly feel that this is a Church completely overrun by the devil and his followers. I sometimes wander if God’s Spirit had left and the evil spirits had taken over. The good people are shunned and some had left the Church they established. Some of them come on and off and some of the ones that stayed are the ones taking all the insults as complements. What a travesty, what a shame, what happened to all the good people that we use to know ten fifteen years ago that were happy to see any stranger, invite him to their homes, feed him and visit with him like they know him for years. Whatever happened to those nice and kind people?
A while back on this same website on another topic concerning MK and Dallas St. Michael, I asked, what happened to the people that established the Church? Why would they let MK take over their Church? And someone answered “they are the ones that turned to be sympathizers and supporters of MK, they eat with them, sleep with them and steal with them.” This person also quoted that one of the well known famous and respected elder was chairing one general meeting where there were about 200 people and he literally worshiped the MK Texas leader a little thief, by saying “you are amazing, there is nothing you cannot do (omnipotent).”
No wander MK robbed that Church blind, anytime somebody new comes asking questions, they attack with full force and eject those people out of that Church by mentally torturing them. Now a few lost souls led by some doctor, MK already labeled as menafik protestant are trying in vain to make some sense out of the madness. Any Orthodox Christian or anybody for that matter, I don’t care who, please pray to God Almighty to get rid of all of the evil people out of this Church so that the good people that come to pray and leave from the outside come in. Let God help them come inside and stay so that they could change this Church into God’s House of Worship and drive the demons and their converts out. Oh, God Almighty hear our prayers, drive the devil and his worshipers out of St. Michael Church of Dallas. Amen
February 21st, 2009 at 5:24 AM

Anonymous said...

all in one word.

ቺካጎ ዳላስም አሉ?
ወረ ኢሉ ቦስተን?
…. አይ አአ
…. በዓይኔ ቀናውብሽ
ትምህርት ተብሎ
ቁመት ተብሎ፤
ኢትዮጲያዊም ተብሎ በአሜሪካ
.. …. አይ አአ … አይ ኢትዮጵያ ውድ ሀገሬ
በዓይኔ ቀናውብሽ፤ “ስደት ለስም ይመቻልን” … ናቅሽ!
